Professional Information
- B.S. Engineering degree from California State University Fullerton
- ICC (International Code Council) Certified California Residential Building Inspector (most city/county jurisdictional inspectors are required to have ICC certifications)
- ICC (International Code Council) Certified California Residential Electrical Inspector
- ICC (International Code Council) Certified California Residential Mechanical Inspector
- ICC (International Code Council) Certified California Residential Plumbing Inspector
- CREIA (California Real Estate Inspection Association) Member and Certified Inspector since 2001
- EBPHI (Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors) Passed the National Home Inspector Examination®
- F.I.R.E. Service (Fireplace Investigation, Research And Education) Completed the Registered Hearth Advisor and Home Inspector Courses
- TRI (Tile Roofing Industry) Alliance Member & Earned the Main Manual Certification
- NADRA (North American Deck and Railing Association) Member & Deck Inspection/Evaluation Certified
- FAA Certified Remote Pilot (for drone roof inspections)
- IAEI (Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry) Member
- IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) Member
- NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Member
- Over 20 years of experience with over 6,000 inspections performed
- Errors & Omissions insurance, insured by Citadel Insurance Services
- Never been named as a defendant in a lawsuit
- Yelp 5-star average rating with over 180 reviews
- Angie’s List (greater L.A. – Orange County area):
- Average all A’s in over 240 reviews rated by members
- Named in Angie’s List magazine article “Best Contractor” multiple years (only 1% of all service providers in all categories are even eligible for this honorable mention) decided by Angie’s List employees who reviewed actual member’s reviews
- Awarded Angie’s List top 5% Super Service Award multiple years (the criteria for this award includes receiving a minimum number of reviews every year, maintaining an A average for that year and for overall reviews, and not being in poor standing with the Better Business Bureau) less than 5% of the companies on Angie’s List receive this award
Expectation. Exceeded.
You’ll receive:
- A detailed and thorough home inspection of all items listed on CREIA’s Standards of Practice
- A PDF computer generated report with color pictures emailed to you the day of the inspection, usually within a few hours.
- Comprehensive explanation of the findings with pictures at the conclusion of the inspection (not just a 10 minute summary) and unlimited consultation thereafter. For a typical single family residence this review usually takes at least an hour and has taken up to two hours long. I will be there no matter how long it takes until you fully understand the severity of all my findings.
If your SFR roof materials (excluding HOA) are too high to evaluate from my ladder at the lower eaves and or can be easily damaged by walking on them from the lower level and there are areas that are not readily visible, I have an FAA Airman Certification to legally allow me to use a drone at MY discretion (if the property is not in a restricted airspace and weather permitting) to evaluate those areas. I do not charge extra for this service if needed.
Thoroughly convinced?
Great! Contact Mike at A Thorough Guy now.
The job is as good as done.
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